Funny pictures competition

There is going to be a funny pictures compitition for bin weevils on my blog!

The rules are simple:

1. Create or take a picture of bin weevils that is funny then post it

1a. Your weevil has to be in the picture

1b. You can have anything else in your picture

1c. NOTHING CAN BE RUDE – If anything is rude or offensive then you will be banned from my blog.

2. Any entries after the closing date time shall not be taken.

3. Post the name of your picture and your weevil name in a comment on my blogs compitition page. (You are currently on it.)

4. E-mail your picture to me at:

5. The prize is you get your weevil picture and name on the top of my blog on every page. (You will have fame! lol)

6. E-mail to me by new years day (31 December)

Here is an example:

Freeze pet!

But this one’s better:

10 Responses to Funny pictures competition

  1. HarryHill1 says:

    lol thats funny

  2. remy says:

    awsome can u show me how to do tht

  3. mustakim111 says:

    were do you get the gun and the cutter thinge

  4. mustakim111 says:

    thats berre funny

  5. Pingback: Funny Pictures Competition « Bin weevil cheats hints and tips

  6. lol that picture is funny where do you get the gun from?

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